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Die Kaiser-Lothar-Linde / The Emperor-Lothar-Lime-Tree

This impressive broadleave lime is called The Emperor-Lothar-Lime-Tree. It is standing in a town in Lower Saxony called Königsluther in  the yard of the local hospital and in direct neighborhood of the Kaiserdom (= emperor's cathedral) According to lore this lime has been planted during the foundation stone ceremony for the building of the cathedral in 1135. That means the tree might today be 876 years old. Oral tradition stated that court was held at this tree in former times.

The diametre of the trunk measures approximately 4.2 metres and the circumference about 13 metres. The crown consist of 8 trunklike branches. It has a diametre of 26 metres and a hight of 19 metres. Only few lime trees in Germany are even larger than  the Emperor-Lothar-Lime-Tree. Despite its old age the tree is strong and healthy. Its crown is growing every year.

To protect the tree it is carefully nursed. The crown is cut regularly and fungus infected wood is cut away. Fertilizer is used to keep the ground in good condition and asure the nourishment of the tree.

The lime belongs to the natural heritage of Lower Saxony.

These photos have been taken on 22 October 2011